Vercel Middleware Integration

Vercel is a cloud platform that allows to deploy JavaScript-based applications to the cloud. It is a great platform for deploying serverless functions or full-stack applications. This page explains how to integrate with a Vercel application.

In order to install in your application hosted on Vercel, there are mainly two options:

  • using the managed instances, which are hosted by and do not require any specific setup on your side. This is the easiest way to use, but please note that Vercel does not specificaly recommend using a reverse proxy in front of their platform, except if you run the Enterprise plan, which allows for custom networking configurations.
  • using the Vercel middleware. In the setup, will be executed as a middleware in your Vercel application, and will be able to intercept and analyze the requests and responses. Due to Vercel restrictions on 3rd party reverse proxies, this is the recommended way to use with Vercel.


Before starting the integration of with your Vercel application, you need to have:

  • the ability to install a package in your Vercel application;
  • the ability to deploy a Vercel application and to configure environment variables.

Using the Vercel middleware

Deploying on Vercel requires several steps:

  1. create a account;
  2. create a organization and a project. At this step, you may want to invite your co-workers ;
  3. Install the Vercel middleware in your Vercel application;
  4. Configure the Vercel middleware with your project key using a Vercel environment variable;
  5. Deploy your Vercel application.

Install the Vercel middleware

In your Vercel application, install the package:

npm install

// or with yarn
yarn add

This package is available as an open-source package on npm and on our GitHub page.

Use the middleware in your application

Once installed, the middleware has to be used by your Vercel application. The approach depends on whether your application already uses a middleware or not.

My application does not have any middleware

If no middleware is currently used by your application, we'll have to create one! To do so, create a new file named middleware.ts in the root of your Vercel application (at the same level as the app or pages folders, possibly in a src folder if your project uses one), and add the following code:

import redirectionioMiddleware from '';

export default redirectionioMiddleware;

export const config = {
  unstable_allowDynamic: [

By default, our middleware ignores certain routes even if there's an exported configuration. The ignored routes are:

  • /api/* routes
  • /next/* (Next.js internals)
  • /static/* (inside /public)
  • all root files inside /public (e.g. /favicon.ico)

If you want to customize which routes the middleware handles, use the createRedirectionIoMiddleware() function and provide your own regex using the matcherRegex option:

import { createRedirectionIoMiddleware } from "";

const middleware = createRedirectionIoMiddleware({ 
    matcherRegex: "^/((?!api).*)$" // Your regex here

export default middleware;

export const config = {
  unstable_allowDynamic: [

If you want the middleware to handle all routes without any exclusions, you can set the matcherRegex option to null:

createRedirectionIoMiddleware({ matcherRegex: null });

My application already uses a Vercel middleware

If your application already contains a Vercel middleware, the integration mode described above will not be suitable for you. Instead, you will need to modify the existing middleware in order to have the middleware wrap it.

Say your current middleware looks like this:

export default async function middleware(req: NextRequest) {
  // here
  // your
  // middleware
  // code

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/((?!api|static|.*\\..*|_next|favicon.ico|robots.txt).*)'],

Move your code in a dedicated function:

const myMiddleware = async (req: NextRequest) => {
  // here
  // your
  // middleware
  // code

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/((?!api|static|.*\\..*|_next|favicon.ico|robots.txt).*)'],

And use the createRedirectionIoMiddleware from to wrap your middleware code in the middleware, thanks to the previousMiddleware or nextMiddleware options.

If you use previousMiddleware, your middleware's code will be executed before runs its logic. If you choose nextMiddleware, then it will ne executed after has been executed (and, potentially, it may not be executed at all if a redirect is to be run):

import { createRedirectionIoMiddleware } from "";

const myMiddleware = async (req: NextRequest) => {
  // here
  // your
  // middleware
  // code

const middleware = createRedirectionIoMiddleware({ 
    previousMiddleware: myMiddleware,  // In this case your middleware is executed before middleware
    nextMiddleware: myMiddleware, // In this case your middleware is executed after middleware

export default middleware;

export const config = {
  unstable_allowDynamic: ["/node_modules/**"],

If your middleware configuration contains the "matcher" option (to restrict which requests must go through the middleware), this will be used upstream of our middleware.

If the regex passes, then our middleware will use a second default regex (which ignores Next.js internals and static files):


You can modify this regex by default using the matcherRegex option of the createRedirectionIoMiddleware function:

const middleware = createRedirectionIoMiddleware({ 
    matcherRegex: "^/((?!api/auth).*)$", // Your regex here

Please note that the regular expression is bit different than the one that was in the matcher option: it now starts with a ^ and ends with a $

If your project is not based on Next.js, all the code above can be adapted to import from instead of

Configure the Vercel middleware

In the settings of your Vercel application, add a new environment variable named REDIRECTIONIO_TOKEN with the value of your project key:

The Vercel setting page to add the REDIRECTIONIO_TOKEN environment variable

Deploy your Vercel application

Once the Vercel middleware is installed and configured, you can deploy your Vercel application. The Vercel middleware will be executed on each request, it will analyze the requests and responses and allow for easy response modifications.

Supported environment variables

The behavior of the Vercel Middleware can be cusomized using several environment variables to create in the Vercel project settings:


  • This directive is required
  • Description: this is the "project key" of the project that the traffic for this site must be associated to


  • This directive is optional
  • Default: false
  • Description: set this to true to append a response Header X-RedirectionIo-RuleIds containing the executed rules identifier, separated by a ;


  • This directive is optional
  • Default: redirection-io-vercel-middleware
  • Description: this is the name for this Vercel middleware instance, as it should be displayed in the manager "instances" screen


  • This directive is optional
  • Default: 500
  • Description: define the maximal timeout to the API calls (in ms). If this timeout is reached, no rule is applied to the request.


Which version of Next.js is this middleware compatible with?

The Vercel Middleware is compatible with Next.js 14.2 at least.

Do you have any examples of integrating with Next.js?

We offer a repository that includes several examples of integrating Next.js with

  • Storyblok Integration: a demo showcasing how to integrate with a Next.js app using Storyblok CMS.
  • Auth0 Integration: an example of setting up Next.js with Auth0 authentication and
  • Next-intl Integration: a guide demonstrating how to use Next.js with next-intl for internationalization, combined with

Each example comes with detailed setup instructions in their respective sub-directories within the examples repository.

Why do you use unstable_allowDynamic in the middlware config?

The Next.js documentation explains that some features are disabled in the Next.js Edge runtime, in particular dynamic code execution.

The unstable_allowDynamic configuration directive is a way to relax the static code analysis, and can be used to allow loading specific files in a middleware even if some part of them contain unsupported features. This is particularly useful if you depend on a feature offered by library that bundles such unsupported statements.

The middleware relies on the getrandom library to generate some random data when using a samping trigger. Unfortunately, parts of this library, that will never be executed by the middleware, can lead to dynamic code execution in very specific conditions (on node.js, when a specific module is not available) that cannot be met when using the middleware.

This is the only reason why unstable_allowDynamic is required to run the middleware.

Do I need to change things if I use pnpm instead of npm or yarn?

If you are using pnpm, the install location of the module is not in /node_modules but in a .pnpm folder. In this case, you may use ["/node_modules/.pnpm/**/**"] as the configuration value for unstable_allowDynamic.

In other words, in this case you would configure your base middleware like this:

import redirectionioMiddleware from '';

export default redirectionioMiddleware;

export const config = {
  unstable_allowDynamic: [
This page has been updated on October 22nd, 2024.
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