libnginx-mod-redirectionio - Changelog

2.9.0 - 28-05-2024

  • Update libredirectionio to 2.11.2

2.8.0 - 06-02-2024

  • Update libredirectionio to 2.10.0
  • Fix request time in log
  • Add backend duration to log

2.7.0 - 03-10-2023

  • Update libredirectionio to 2.9.0

2.6.0 - 26-05-2023

  • Update libredirectionio to 2.8.0

2.5.0 - 20-03-2023

  • Support new compression format for body filtering: deflate and brotli

2.4.2 - 23-11-2022

  • Allow libredirectionio to modify the Content-Type header

2.4.1 - 27-10-2022

  • Support gzip compression when filtering body, by updating libredirectionio deps

2.4.0 - 07-07-2022

  • Fix a bug when multiple rules where used with a backend status code trigger

2.3.0 - 13-04-2022

  • Add the redirectionio_trusted_proxies configuration directive for correct ip matching - (see the documentation)
  • Add support for the IP address trigger (requires the version 2.3 of the agent)
  • Add support for the robots.txt action (requires the version 2.3 of the agent)
  • Add the possibility to disable log for a specific request using a rule (requires the version 2.3 of the agent)
  • Fix an issue when a rule was serving a 200 response without the backend being called
  • Better options for sockets management in the dialog with the agent

2.2.2 - 22-09-2021

  • new release, for new distributions (debian 11 bullseye, and latest ubuntu)

2.2.1 - 11-05-2021

  • fix rare occurrence of agent socket not available for writing after starting the connection

2.2.0 - 06-05-2021

  • Add the redirectionio_set_header directive - (see the documentation)
  • Add connection pool management options to the redirectionio_pass directive: min_conns, keep_conns, max_conns and timeout - (see the documentation)

2.1.1 - 16-04-2021

  • Fix double content encoding header in some edge cases

2.1.0 - 02-02-2021

  • Pass the client IP address to the agent

2.0.1 - 11-01-2021

  • Move redirectionio to access phase instead of pre access phase

2.0.0 - 11-01-2021

  • Send proxy version in logs
  • Send content-type in logs
  • Use 2.0.0 version of libredirection: more matching and actions available
  • [BC BREAK] New proxy protocol: please update the agent when updating the proxy to the 2.0 branch

0.5.0 - 15-02-2019

  • Send request method in logs
  • Add support for filtering header and body response with the agent
  • Fix compilation on C99

0.4.0 - 18-01-2019

  • Improve stability of the module
  • Add support for matching redirection on response status code

0.3.2 - 28-11-2018

  • Open source module

0.3.1 - 27-11-2018

  • Stability fixes:
    • Avoid potential seg fault when reloading nginx
    • Fix memory leak issues

0.3.0 - 15-11-2018

  • Add connection pool to limit number of parallels connections on heavy usage
  • Better timeout when agent not responding under a specific time

0.2.0 - 14-11-2018

  • New package name (switch from redirectionio-nginx-module to libnginx-mod-redirectionio)

0.1.0 - 31-10-2018

  • Initial release
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