What's new on redirection.io?

Discover the latest news of our platform, improvements and important announcements.

Introducing the redirection.io Vercel middleware

Last year, we have launched the redirection.io managed instances, a great way to use redirection.io without having to install and maintain the redirection.io agent on your servers. With the managed instances, it takes a few clicks to get started with redirection.io, and you can start monitoring and fixing your website's redirections in no time.

In certain setups, however, the backend service used to serve your website does not correctly handle the traffic coming from reverse proxies, and considers that a large amount of requests arriving from a specific range of IP addresses is suspicious. Automated security systems are perfectly right to be cautious, but in this case, it can lead to false positives, and the managed instances might be blocked by the backend service if it is not correctly configured to accept traffic from our managed instances.

This was the case with Vercel, a very popular platform to deploy websites and serverless functions. While perfectly working most of the time, we have recently begun to receive reports from users that a part of their traffic was being refused by their Vercel backend. After some investigation, we found that Vercel's security systems were blocking some of our managed instances IP addresses, and on some Vercel websites only. Sharing this information with Vercel, we have been able to confirm that the issue was due to the way Vercel's security systems were configured, and that it was possible to whitelist the managed instances IP addresses - except for Vercel Enterprise plan subscribers.

To make it easier and more reliable for our users to use redirection.io with Vercel, we have developed a Vercel middleware that packages the Web Assembly version of the agent, that we already distribute as an open source project. This middleware is a small piece of code that you can add to your Vercel project, and that will automatically handle the incoming requests and apply the rules configured in your redirection.io project.

Deploying the redirection.io Vercel middleware requires developer access to your Vercel project and can be done in a few steps:

  1. Install the redirection.io Vercel middleware in your Vercel application;
    $ npm install @redirection.io/vercel-middleware
    // or with yarn
    $ yarn add @redirection.io/vercel-middleware
  2. The Vercel setting page to add the REDIRECTIONIO_TOKEN environment variableConfigure the redirection.io Vercel middleware with your redirection.io project's key as a Vercel environment variable named REDIRECTIONIO_TOKEN;
  3. Enable the middleware in your Vercel application
    // src/middleware.ts
    import redirectionioMiddleware from '@redirection.io/vercel-middleware';
    export default redirectionioMiddleware;
    export const config = {
        unstable_allowDynamic: [
  4. Deploy your Vercel application.

That's it! Your Vercel application is now using the redirection.io Vercel middleware, and you can start monitoring and fixing your website's redirections in no time.

👉 Read our complete documentation about the redirection.io Vercel Middleware.

The redirection.io Vercel middelware package is available as an open-source package on our GitHub page.

The redirection.io apache and nginx modules are now available for Ubuntu Noble 24.04 LTS

As of today, the redirection.io apache and nginx modules are available for Ubuntu Noble 24.04 LTS, released last month. In the meantime, we are deprecating the automatic builds for Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 LTS and Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 LTS.

The redirection.io modules are now available as compiled versions in our packages repository for the following Ubuntu versions:

  • Ubuntu Focal 20.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu Jammy 22.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu Noble 24.04 LTS

This means that these packages will work out of the box with the nginx version provided on these versions of Ubuntu, without the need to compile them manually. If you are using another version of Ubuntu, or a custom Apache or Nginx build, you can still compile the modules from the source code available on our GitHub repository.

Introducing redirection.io Recipes: Your Ultimate Traffic Rule Companion

TL;DR;: We are introducing redirection.io recipes, a collection of 1-click install rulesets created to ensure you get the most out of using redirection.io.

We're thrilled to announce a game-changing addition to our platform that's set to revolutionize the way you manage your website's traffic. Say hello to redirection.io recipes – your ultimate traffic rule companion!

redirection.io has always been more than just a redirection tool. Our platform offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to give you unparalleled control over your site's traffic and performance. From analyzing traffic patterns to creating complex rules for redirects, meta tags management, response headers, and beyond, redirection.io has been your go-to solution for optimizing website performance.

But we understand that with great power comes great complexity. While many of our users have been successfully utilizing our platform to its fullest potential, we've also noticed that some of you may feel a bit overwhelmed when it comes to creating complex rules. That's why we've been hard at work behind the scenes to develop a solution that simplifies the process without compromising functionality.

Enter redirection.io recipes – the answer to your traffic rule woes!

Think of recipes as your personal collection of use-cases and practical solutions tailored specifically for redirection.io. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, recipes are here to guide you through even the most intricate traffic management scenarios.

redirection.io can do much more than just redirections

So, what exactly can you expect from redirection.io recipes?

  1. Simplified Rule Creation: Say goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity with our new assisted mode for creating complex rules. With recipes by your side, you'll be able to navigate the rule creation process with confidence, no matter your skillset.
  2. Extensive Use Cases: From basic redirections to advanced meta tags and response headers management, redirection.io recipes cover a wide range of scenarios to suit your needs. Need to implement folder redirections? We've got you covered. Want to enhance your site's security with custom headers? Consider it done.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: We've designed recipes to seamlessly integrate into the redirection.io platform, ensuring that you can access them whenever you need them.
  4. Constantly Evolving: The best part? We're just getting started. While our initial batch of recipes covers a variety of common use cases, we're committed to expanding our library to include even more solutions based on your feedback. Have an idea for a Recipe you'd like to see? We want to hear from you!

Recipes can also act as a source of inspiration for your own rules. You can use the "Add a long cache duration for the website images" recipe to learn how to cache your images more efficiently, and then apply the same principles to other types of content on your site. By exploring the recipes library, you'll gain valuable insights into how redirection.io can help you optimize your website's performance, security, and overall user experience.

What can redirection.io recipes do?

Many of the scenarios covered with redirection.io recipes should be correctly implemented in most professional websites, just like how the popularization of https a few years ago slightly improved the quality and security of the Web.

The recipes library has launched with a quite large collection of features, that cover different topics:

Some recipes provide a high level of detail that you can learn and draw inspiration from. The Referrer Policy recipe, explains in detail how to improve the privacy of your customers. The Permissions Policy recipe is a complete assistant for adding the support for Permission Policy on your website and slightly enhancing trust between users and your website:

The Permission Policy assistant included in redirection.io recipes

Your first steps with redirection.io recipes

Ready to give redirection.io recipes a try? Head over to our website or log in to your redirection.io account now to explore our growing library of recipes and start optimizing your website's performance like never before.

We can't wait to see how you'll use this feature to take your website management to the next level. And remember, this is just the beginning – with redirection.io recipes, the possibilities are endless!

👉 Discover all the redirection.io recipes

General Availability of redirection.io Managed Instances

We're announcing the general availability of redirection.io managed instances – a solution designed to simplify website traffic management. With the managed redirection.io offering, setting up your website is as simple as adding a DNS record to your domain. In just a matter of minutes and regardless of technical expertise, anyone can get started.

Since its initial launch in early 2023, we have gathered customer feedback and made significant improvements to the managed redirection.io solution. Our team has worked tirelessly to enhance functionality, reliability, and performance, ensuring that managed instances deliver a seamless and robust experience for every user. Managed instances are deployed in 4 clusters in datacenters globally distributed, with dedicated nodes for each project.

With about one thousand domains already using our managed instances model, we're delighted to be extending this solution to even more users around the world.

Learn how to install your domain with managed redirection.io

What can you expect from redirection.io Managed Instances?

First and foremost, managed instances offer a fast and robust way to gain insights into your website's traffic and performance. Whether you're a small business owner or a seasoned webmaster, our intuitive interface and comprehensive analytics provide you with the tools you need to make informed decisions and optimize your online presence.

Additionally, managed instances are always kept up to date and secure. We handle all updates, monitoring, and security measures on your behalf, giving you peace of mind and time to focus on other aspects of your website. And with SSL certificate management included as part of the package, you can rest assured that your website is protected and secure at all times.

Ready to simplify your website traffic management? Try redirection.io managed instances today and experience the difference for yourself.

👉 Learn more about managed redirection.io or read the docs!

A series of improvements on the logs explorer

When it comes to collecting HTTP traffic logs, redirection.io is one of the best solutions on the market: once installed, you get all the HTTP traffic logs of your website in real time, and you can use them to analyze user behavior, monitor website performance, and debug issues.

Collecting logs has been one of redirection.io's core features since the beginning and we've been working hard to make it as efficient and reliable as possible. To achieve this, we have been using a lot of different technologies and experimenting with a lot of solutions. As a result, we have recently taken some steps towards making our logs feature the most efficient and reliable it can be and we thought it would be interesting to share the improvements with our community.

Introducing Log View Counters

Two years ago, we added the concept of "Logs views", which was an innovative way to save individual logs screen configurations as bookmarks, so that users could easily access their preffered view at all times. This feature became very popular, and many of our users utilize it to monitor specific parts of their website, or only a range of HTTP status codes, user agents, etc.

Since then, we've been thinking of interesting ways to go further and to add some kind of "counters" to the logs views allowing users to see the number of logs in each view more easily.

Today, we are enabling, for all our users, the new "Log View Counters" feature, which is a way to "pin" several clickable log view counters at the top of the logs screen, so that you can see the number of logs that match the log view. This is a very simple feature, but it is very useful, and we hope that it will help you to better understand your HTTP traffic logs.

Logs timeline navigation

Also, it is a shame that our logs GUI did not easily allow you to navigate in the logs history - this is now fixed and we have added "back" and "forward" buttons to the logs screen, so that you can easily navigate in the timeline.

New filters and aggregations

Some new filters and aggregations are available in the logs explorer, so that you can better understand your HTTP traffic logs. Of course, all these filters can be used in combination with log views, so you can prepare specific traffic views that match your business and your website structure.

For example, we have added the ability to filter logs by "Path" (see only the requests for which the path starts with /blog), "Referrer Host" (which domains to the visitors come from?) or "Query params" (did the URL of the request contain a query parameter?).

Customers using our fully managed instances or the redirection.io agent in reverse proxy mode can also display and filter requests by their "Duration", which is basically the time it took for the backend to process the request. This duration is measured at the redirection.io agent level, from the moment the agent receives the request to the moment it begins to send the response to the client. This is a very useful metric to monitor the performance of your website, and to detect slow pages. This metric can be used to inspect the performance of the redirection.io agent when it comes to performing redirections: most of the time, you should see a 0 ms. duration of such requests, as the agent is able to perform redirections almost instantly.

Faster logs exports

Since day one, we have allowed the export of traffic logs in CSV format. Recently, we've made several changes in our logs storage infrastructure which have resulted in a faster logs export feature. You can now export logs in a matter of seconds, even very large logs sets.

More logs per day

Historically, there has been a limit of 2 million rows per day (even for free projects), in order to avoid performance issues and offer a quality service to all our users. We've even allowed temporary bursts in order to accept traffic peaks. In the current situation, we collect and process every day several billions of HTTP requests.

Overquota logs being displayed

Since September 2023, we allow to extend the logs retention duration, so our customers can have an insight on their detailed logs for up to 12 weeks. This has been a great step forward for SEO consultants, as this allows them to cover a complete Googlebot exploration window and get clear insights of the traffic fixes priorities: which 404 errors did Googlebot encounter, which pages are the most crawled, where is the crawl budget consumed, etc.

However, we were still missing the ability to upper the amount of logs that can be loaded in a project each day. This was a bit problematic for some of our customers, who have very high traffic websites and who wanted to collect all the logs of their website - the over quota logs were dropped, and this was a bit frustrating as it translated into a flat traffic chart and eventually a loss in the traffic errors collection.

This is now a thing of the past, and "Pro" plan customers can now request higher daily traffic logs limits. We will not detail why collecting an exhaustive view of traffic logs is important from a SEO perspective, as this has already been covered in many other articles, but we are happy to offer this new feature to our customers.

👉 Please contact us if you wish to increase your daily logs quota.

We always love to hear from our customers, and we are always happy to help you to better understand your HTTP traffic logs. Please contact us if you have any questions, if you need some help to extract information from your logs or if you have ideas of features that you would like to see in redirection.io. We are working hard to improve the logs explorer and have many new improvements coming in the next months, so stay tuned!

Enhancing Security and Flexibility: Introducing Multiple Project Keys in redirection.io

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, safeguarding your online assets is of paramount importance. Whether you're protecting sensitive data, ensuring the privacy of your users, or simply maintaining control over your web services, having robust security measures in place is essential. That's why we're thrilled to introduce a new feature in our SaaS platform - Multiple Project Keys - designed to give you greater control and flexibility over your projects in redirection.io.

The Project Key: The Project Configuration Secret

Before diving into the new feature, let's first understand the significance of the "project key." This unique string is the linchpin of your redirection.io project. It's the secret sauce that binds an instance to a specific project, allowing it to access and interact with the associated rules and logs. By default, every project receives a project key, which you can directly use to configure your redirection.io agent instance. However, there are scenarios where having multiple project keys can be helpful.

Why Multiple Project Keys Matter

Here are a few compelling reasons why you might want to utilize multiple project keys:

  • Enhanced Security: If your project key becomes public knowledge, it could pose a significant risk. With multiple project keys, you can rotate or change keys as needed to maintain the utmost security.
  • Development-Production Segregation: To maintain a clear separation between development and production environments, you can use specific project keys for each. This way, your development team can work without access to the production project key, ensuring data integrity.
  • Key Expiration: Sometimes, you might want a project key to have a limited lifespan. With the option to set expiration dates on project keys, you can control when they stop working.

Introducing Multiple Project Keys

redirection.io now offers the capability to create as many project keys as you require. Each project key can be customized with a name, helping you clarify why it was created, and an optional expiration date, ensuring it ceases to work after a set time.

redirection.io project key management

Key Rotation for Improved Security

If you suspect that your project key has been compromised or simply want to enhance security, our platform makes it easy to rotate project keys. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Create a new perpetual project key that will serve as the replacement.
  2. Add an expiration date to the old project key, ensuring it will no longer function after that date.
  3. Update your instance configurations with the new project key.

The graphical interface also displays the last time a project key was used, allowing you to determine when it's safe to remove the old key. This way, you can rest assured that all your instances have been updated, and the old project key is no longer in use.

The introduction of Multiple Project Keys in redirection.io is a significant step forward. With this feature, you can enhance the security of your projects, maintain clear separations between environments, and have full control over the lifespan of your project keys. To learn more about this feature, check out our documentation about instances and project keys.

Exciting News: Introducing Managed Instances for Easier Redirection.io Deployment!

We're thrilled to announce a game-changing feature - "Managed Instances" - designed to simplify your experience with redirection.io.

Historically, redirection.io was a self-hosted hybrid product, which means that users had to install the agent on their own servers. Now, with Managed Instances, we offer a hosted version, taking the hassle out of infrastructure management. Basically, users must configure their domain name to target it to our infrastructure, and it works in minutes.

The redirection.io managed instances sits between the customers and your infrastructure
  • target your domain DNS to our servers
  • works in minutes
  • automatic SSL is provided

Shortly said, a redirection.io managed instance is a redirection.io agent server hosted on the infrastructure provided by redirection.io. It is capable of handling redirects for your blank domains, and can also act as a reverse proxy for your websites, with all the redirection.io superpowers inside.

Along with our historical "hybrid" deployment, and the "On-Premise" deployment mode, we cover a very flexible and large range of situations, making redirection.io the most versatile SEO reverse proxy out there:

redirection.io managed instances schema

Fully managed SaaS

  • everything on our servers
  • works in minutes
redirection.io hybrid instances schema

Hybrid SaaS & hosted

  • the redirectionio-agent is installed on your infrastructure
redirection.io on-premise schema

On premise

  • the whole platform is deployed on your own servers

Benefits of Managed Instances

redirection.io managed instances are a great option for users who don't want to manage their own infrastructure, or who don't have the technical skills to do so. But there are other key benefits to using managed instances:

  • Automatic SSL: Managed Instances automatically generate SSL certificates for your domain names (using Let's Encrypt). It takes seconds, saving you from certificate management complexities.
  • Global Presence: Our infrastructure spans multiple Points of Presence worldwide, ensuring lightning-fast redirection rule execution for your end users.
  • Hassle-Free: No need to manage your own infrastructure. Simply configure your domain name to point to our infrastructure, and we'll handle the rest.
  • High Availability: Managed Instances are replicated across multiple data centers, offering a highly available service without any management on your part.

We are very happy with the results so far, and we are looking forward to have more users using it. The technology behind it is very solid, and we are confident that it will scale well - it has been designed for this. Each managed instance is isolated from the others, both in terms of data management or CPU consumption, and we have a lot of monitoring in place to ensure that everything is working as expected.

Cost and Availability

Managed Instances come at no additional cost compared to our standard plans. They're available to all users, regardless of their subscription plan. You can create Managed Instances directly in the manager, under the "instances" section.

There are however some restrictions on the number of managed instances that can be created, depending on the plan, and on the amount of bandwidth that a project can use each month. These limits and quotas are described in our documentation.

Getting Started

Managed instances have been in production for several months now, and we have already many customers using it successfully. The use cases are very diverse, from small websites to large e-commerce websites:

  • Redirect blank or naked domain names.
  • Create a company URL shortening service.
  • Get all the powerful features of redirection.io without installing any components on your website. It's compatible with various platforms, including major eCommerce SaaS solutions, GitHub Pages, Vercel, Netlify, Shopify, and more.

Setting up Managed Instances is a breeze. We provide extensive documentation to guide you, and our dedicated support team is ready to assist with any questions.

A domain being added to the redirection.io managed instances
A domain being added to the redirection.io managed instances. In a few steps, a domain can be configured and run redirection.io, without any infrastructure operation.

Ready to simplify your redirection.io experience? Reach out to us, and we'll enable Managed Instances for your project. You can also read more about managed instances in our documentation.

Join the growing community of users who have already embraced this convenient and efficient way to manage the traffic of their website. We're excited to have you on board!

Introducing Additional Logs Retention: More Data, Better Insights!

We're thrilled to announce a valuable addition to our service - the "Additional Logs Retention" feature, designed to empower you with more control and insights over your data.

Traditionally, logs were stored for 1 to 2 weeks, depending on your plan. However, we understand that analyzing your traffic over a more extended period is often essential. That's why we're excited to offer this feature to our "Starter" and "Pro" plans, allowing you to retain logs for up to a generous 12 weeks.

Why is this important?

  • Real-time Data: With redirection.io, traffic logs are collected in real time, ensuring you always have access to the freshest data.
  • Deep Analysis: For users who seek comprehensive insights, having access to logs on a longer period lets you dive deep into your traffic patterns and behaviors.
  • Compliance: For those with compliance requirements, extended logs retention helps you meet your obligations by maintaining a historical record of your traffic data.
  • SEO Audits: SEO audits often recommend analyzing logs over a complete search engine crawling window, which can span up to two months. Now, you can easily align with these recommendations.

How to Extend Logs Retention:

  • Starter Plan: Project administrators can effortlessly extend logs retention directly in the manager under the project billing section.
  • Pro Plan: Administrators can simply get in touch with their dedicated redirection.io account manager to discuss and implement the logs retention extension.

Unlock the power of extended logs retention today, and gain deeper insights into your traffic. Your data, your control! ➡️ Read more in our documentation

Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to our support team anytime. We're here to help you make the most of this new feature.

Thank you for choosing redirection.io for your traffic management needs. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements coming your way!

Negation Support for Method and Backend Response Status Code Triggers

We have recently improved the the redirection.io rules system by introducing negation support for the "Method" and "Backend Response Status Code" triggers, providing you with greater flexibility and control over rule execution.

In a redirection.io rule, Triggers define the conditions that incoming HTTP requests must meet for the rule to be applied. For example, the "Method" trigger filters requests based on the HTTP method used, while the "Backend Response Status Code" trigger allows you to restrict triggering based on the status code generated by your backend application.

With our latest update, you can now utilize negation for these triggers. For example, you can define rules that trigger when the HTTP method is not GET or POST, or when the backend response status code is not 200 or 301. This new capability enables you to refine your rule logic and execute specific actions based on negated conditions.

Method trigger with excluded values

The feature is immedialtely available for the customers who use our "hosted instances" or the managed Cloudflare workers. Other deployment modes (nginx or Apache modules, agent reverse proxy, manually added Cloudflare worker, Fastly Compute@Edge, etc.) needs to be updated to use at least the redirection.io agent 2.7.0 or libredirectionio 2.8.0.

To learn more about negation support and explore other features of the redirection.io rules system, refer to our documentation about triggers. We value your feedback and are continuously working to improve our services based on your needs. Thank you for choosing redirection.io as your trusted solution for efficient traffic management!

Release 2.7.0 of the redirection.io Agent, with New Configuration Directives

We have released lately the version 2.7.0 of the redirection.io agent, our software designed for logging HTTP traffic, analyzing requests and performing responses transformations. In this release, we've introduced new configuration directives that further enhance the agent's capabilities. These directives provide greater control and flexibility over the logging of access logs, the utilization of HTTP keep-alive between the agent and the backend, and the configuration of backend request timeouts.

Here are the key additions in version 2.7.0:

  • keep_alive.enabled: With this directive, you can enable or disable the HTTP keep-alive feature between the agent and the backend. By default, this feature is enabled, ensuring optimal performance. Adjusting this setting allows you to fine-tune the agent's behavior to match your infrastructure needs.
  • timeout: This directive allows you to configure the timeout duration, in seconds, for backend requests. By default, this feature is disabled, but with this new directive, you can restrict the maximum time a connection will remain opened to your backend. This is particularly useful for optimizing the performance of your infrastructure in case your application suffers performance issues on certain paths.
  • access_log: This directive allows you to enable or disable the logging of access logs in the specified log locations. By default, access log are disabled, giving you the flexibility to enable it based on your specific requirements.

These new features are documented in the "agent configuration reference" documentation page. To benefit from the improved performance and added functionalities, we encourage all our customers to keep their redirection.io agents up to date. By doing so, you'll always have access to the latest features and enhancements, empowering you to streamline your traffic management and maximize efficiency.

👉 read more about the update process