Automate your web traffic and SEO optimization
with a large combination of triggers and actions

Combine triggers and actions to leverage a powerful no-code automation for your professional website.

request properties are used to trigger and apply actions on your website

A composable website traffic management system lets you create rules, that will apply to your website traffic.
Each rule is made of two parts:


define when the rule has to be executed
  • Request URL, scheme, domain, path
  • Request Method
    "When the contact form is POST'ed, redirect to the thank-you page"
  • Presence, absence, value of a request HTTP header
    "If the device is an iPhone or an iPad, then redirect to the Apple store application page"
  • The Status code that is about to be sent back to the user
  • Restrictions on the IP address of the request
    "This page should only be accessible from our offices IP address"
  • Apply only to a limited share of your traffic using sampling


define what has to be performed on the response
  • Redirect 301, 302, 307 or 308, to the Location of your choice
  • Response header
    "Add Cache-Control headers to every 301 redirects, to avoid browsers caching them without time limits"
  • Change the HTML meta tags (title, description, keywords, etc.)
  • Change the robots.txt content
  • Send a 404 or 410 HTTP response
    "This page will never exist again, and there is nowhere to redirect the client. Let's send a 410 error at the server level, without requesting our backend application"
  • Inject HTML code in several parts of the response body
    "– Chris, can you please change the GA token?"

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Carole Texier is an important tool for the Orpi Web platform. We've been using the solution since we redesigned our sites several years ago, and it has allowed us to make a smooth transition, really limiting the number of 404 errors our visitors would have encountered.

As part of the ongoing operations, we use to monitor traffic, detect errors, and add redirects when the address of certain content changes. It's easy to use and allows us to act quickly, without needing the intervention of developers to deal with this type of issue.

Carole Texier
Digital Project Manager, Orpi France

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