Documentation and help center

Welcome there! This is the documentation for, the leading redirection management platform. You will find here useful information about how can help reduce HTTP traffic issues on your website, and several practical guides to get started with and build efficient redirect plans.

✨ User documentation gives a complete control on how HTTP requests are handled on your website, which helps make it SEO-friendly. Of course, as our name suggests it, can perform redirections, but it can do much more!

In this users documentation, you will find all the explanations on how to get the most out of rules creation and import, statistics and logs analysis, users roles, etc. To start, you can discover what is

🔩 Developers documentation

In this part of the documentation, we focus on tackling all the possible technical issues. You will learn how to install and update the agent and proxies, how to troubleshoot URL redirect rules, how to scale your infrastructure, etc.

Learn how to install's agent and web server modules

❓ Knowledge base

This section of the documentation covers more general topics and explains good practices about HTTP redirections, frontend quality and technical SEO optimizations.

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