Crawler columns reference

When analyzing the data collected by the crawler, you will certainly display a list of URLs found by the crawler.

This list is displayed in a table, and each row of the table represents a URL. The columns that are displayed depend on the report that you are looking at, and are configurable (both which columns are displayed, and the order in which they are displayed). There are many columns available, and you can choose which ones to display to best suit your needs.

This page list all the columns that can be added to this URLs table, and provides a description of each of them.

Column Description

Whether resource was analyzed. It was not when the type was different than crawled or recrawled


Whether the URL is canonical

Canonical URL

The canonical URL of the URL


Whether the content is compressed

Content ratio

The ratio of content in the body. It's the ratio of the content length to the body length


The "Content-Type" header

Content-Type valid

Whether the "Content-Type" header is valid

Crawl depth

The depth in the crawl. It's the minimal number of clicks from the start URL

Description count

The number of description meta

Description duplicated

Whether the first description is duplicated among different resources

Description in SERP

Whether the description is enabled in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

Description length

The length of the first description meta

Description valid

Whether the description is valid. A description is valid if it has only one occurrence, has a good size, and is not duplicated


The list of descriptions meta

Downloaded at

The date and time when resource was downloaded

Error message

The error message of the request


The list of hreflang meta

Hreflang missing

Whether the hreflang meta are missing

Hreflang valid

Whether the hreflang meta are valid

Image alt

The list of alt attribute of images

Image alt missing

Whether the alt attribute of a least one image are missing

Image alt valid

Whether the alt attribute of all images are valid. A valid alt attribute is when the attribute is not empty

Image count

The number of images

Included in report

Whether the URL is included in the report. This values is false when the current resource is not it\s own canonical URL


Whether the resource is indexable

Inlink count

The number of inlinks to this resource. An inlink is a link from another resource to this resource

Log Count

The number of log entries for resource. It's only set for the top URLs, and for current log retention

Missing metatags

The list of missing metatags (among title, or description)

Missing metatags count

The number of missing metatags

Open Graph

The number of Open Graph meta

Open Graph count

The number of Open Graph meta

Open Graph valid

Whether the Open Graph meta are valid


Whether resource is an orphan. An orphan resource is a resource that is not linked from any other resource in the crawl

Outlink count

The number of outlinks from this resource. An outlink is a link from this resource to another resource

Outlink external count

The number of outlinks from this resource that are external. External means the URL is not on the same domain

Outlink external follow and blank valid

Whether the external outlinks are valid. Links are valid if they have the rel="noopener" attribute and the target="_blank"

Outlink external follow count

The number of outlinks from this resource that are external and followed

Outlink external nofollow count

The number of outlinks from this resource that are external and not followed

Outlink external valid

Whether the external outlinks are valid. Links are valid if they have the rel="nofollow" attribute when they should

Outlink follow count

The number of outlinks from this resource that are followed. Followed means there a no rel="nofollow" attribute on the link

Outlink nofollow count

The number of outlinks from this resource that are not followed. Not followed means there is a rel="nofollow" attribute on the link

Page weight

The length of the body (not compressed) in bytes

Page weight is valid

Whether the body length is valid (between 0 and 307200 bytes)

Path depth

The path depth. It's the number of slashes in the URL

Redirect URL

The "Location" header. It's set only when the resource is a redirection

Referrer policy

The referrer policy. It's the value of the "Referrer-Policy" header of the URL, or from the meta tag

Referrer policy enabled

Whether the referrer policy is enabled

Referrer policy valid

Whether the referrer policy is valid

Response time

The duration of the request in milliseconds

Response time is valid

Whether the duration is valid (between 0 and 2000 ms)

Robots headers

The list of robots headers

Robots tags

The list of robots tags

Sitemap source

The sitemap URL where resource was found. This value is set only for orphaned URLs


The status of the comparison between two crawls

Status code

The status code


The list of titles meta

Title count

The number of title meta

Title duplicated

Whether the first title is duplicated among different resources

Title h1 count

The number of h1 titles

Title length

The length of the first title meta

Title structure

The list of title structure (h1, h2, ..., h6

Title structure valid

Whether the title HTML structure is valid. A valid title structure is when there are no missing titles (h1, h2, ..., h6) and the titles are in the correct order

Title valid

Whether the title is valid. A title is valid if it has only one occurrence, has a good size, and is not duplicated

Twitter card missing

Whether the Twitter card is missing


The type of the resource. Could be one of:

  • crawled: The resource was crawled
  • recrawled: The resource was recrawled
  • external: The resource is external to the website
  • notHttp: The resource is not over HTTP
  • blocked: The resource is blocked by the robots.txt
  • ignored: The resource is ignored (for example, when the URL has a depth greater than the maximum depth, or the crawl is a batch)

The URL of the resource

Url contains underscore

Whether the URL contains an underscore

Word count

The number of words in the body

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