Fastly Compute@Edge integration

All Fastly customers can benefit of by using Compute@Edge, the serverless edge computing solution provided by Fastly.

Using with Fastly is pretty straightforward:

  1. create a account;
  2. create a organization and a project. At this step, you may want to invite your co-workers ;
  3. instances listhead to the "instances" screen of your project, and hit the "Setup on your infrastructure" button
  4. This opens a lateral panel containing your "project key". Copy this key and install the Fastly worker (see below)
  5. You're all set :-)

Manually deploying the Fastly Compute@edge worker

Our Fastly Compute@edge worker code and tooling is open source and available on's Github account.

Here are the required steps to get your own version of the version manually deployed, without using the "instances" screen of the manager:

  1. install the Rust toolchain in your development environment, eg.:
    apt install autoconf build-essential curl wget unzip
    curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain 1.76.0 -y
  2. install fastly, the official CLI for interacting with the Fastly platform, and configure the Fastly cli:
    fastly configure
  3. clone the code of the library (you may fork it to your own account, if you need to do some changes to the worker code):
    git clone
    cd fastly-worker
  4. copy the file fastly.dist.toml to fastly.toml. If you wish to use the Fastly local server, edit the values:
    • line 11, backend_name: set the URL / IP Address of the backend to proxify the traffic
  5. Fastly worker dictionary configurationin your Fastly dashboard, create a dictionary named redirectionio, and configure the following keys:
    • backend_name:
      • This directive is required
      • Description: the name of the backend to proxify the traffic to. Use the name that you configured for your backend server in the "Origins > Hosts" menu of your Fastly service
    • token:
      • This directive is required
      • Description: this project key, as retrieved above
    • instance_name:
      • This directive is required
      • Description: type here a name for this Fastly instance, as it should be displayed in the manager "instances" screen
    • add_rule_ids_header:
      • This directive is optional
      • Default: false
      • Description: set this to true to append a response Header X-RedirectionIo-RuleIds containing the executed rules identifier, separated by a ;
    • log_endpoint:
      • This directive is optional
      • Description: if you wish to log the output of the worker to a custom Fastly logging endpoint (as defined under the "Logging" menu), use for log_endpoint the name of the logging endpoint to use (for example, my_logs). Please note that whether this dictionary key is defined or not, error logs will still be collected as regular Fastly logs.
    • log_level:
      • This directive is optional
      • Description: if the directive log_endpoint above is defined, this key allows to configure the log level.
      • Possible values: OFF or ERROR or WARN or INFO or DEBUG or TRACE
  6. Fastly worker origin hosts configuration in your Fastly dashboard, add a new "Origin Host" to your service. This host must be named redirectionio and have the address "".
  7. publish the worker to your Fastly service project:
    fastly compute publish --service-id=XXXXXXXX

Your newly created worker should work after a couple of seconds!

Debugging locally using the local Fastly server

The Fastly cli proposes a local server, which is useful to run a worker locally before pushing it online.

To use this local server, copy the file redirectionio.dist.json to redirectionio.json, and edit the values:

  • backend_name: the name of the fastly backend to proxify the traffic to (it should be "backend_host", or change this name in fastly.toml too)
  • token: this project key, as retrieved above
  • instance_name: type here a name for this Fastly instance, as it should be displayed in the manager "instances" screen
  • add_rule_ids_header: Set this to "true" to append a response Header X-RedirectionIo-RuleIds containing the executed rules identifier, separated by a ;

Then, launch the local web server:

fastly compute serve
This page has been updated on May 22nd, 2024.
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