Introducing Recipes: Your Ultimate Traffic Rule Companion

TL;DR;: We are introducing recipes, a collection of 1-click install rulesets created to ensure you get the most out of using

We're thrilled to announce a game-changing addition to our platform that's set to revolutionize the way you manage your website's traffic. Say hello to recipes – your ultimate traffic rule companion! has always been more than just a redirection tool. Our platform offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to give you unparalleled control over your site's traffic and performance. From analyzing traffic patterns to creating complex rules for redirects, meta tags management, response headers, and beyond, has been your go-to solution for optimizing website performance.

But we understand that with great power comes great complexity. While many of our users have been successfully utilizing our platform to its fullest potential, we've also noticed that some of you may feel a bit overwhelmed when it comes to creating complex rules. That's why we've been hard at work behind the scenes to develop a solution that simplifies the process without compromising functionality.

Enter recipes – the answer to your traffic rule woes!

Think of recipes as your personal collection of use-cases and practical solutions tailored specifically for Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, recipes are here to guide you through even the most intricate traffic management scenarios. can do much more than just redirections

So, what exactly can you expect from recipes?

  1. Simplified Rule Creation: Say goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity with our new assisted mode for creating complex rules. With recipes by your side, you'll be able to navigate the rule creation process with confidence, no matter your skillset.
  2. Extensive Use Cases: From basic redirections to advanced meta tags and response headers management, recipes cover a wide range of scenarios to suit your needs. Need to implement folder redirections? We've got you covered. Want to enhance your site's security with custom headers? Consider it done.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: We've designed recipes to seamlessly integrate into the platform, ensuring that you can access them whenever you need them.
  4. Constantly Evolving: The best part? We're just getting started. While our initial batch of recipes covers a variety of common use cases, we're committed to expanding our library to include even more solutions based on your feedback. Have an idea for a Recipe you'd like to see? We want to hear from you!

Recipes can also act as a source of inspiration for your own rules. You can use the "Add a long cache duration for the website images" recipe to learn how to cache your images more efficiently, and then apply the same principles to other types of content on your site. By exploring the recipes library, you'll gain valuable insights into how can help you optimize your website's performance, security, and overall user experience.

What can recipes do?

Many of the scenarios covered with recipes should be correctly implemented in most professional websites, just like how the popularization of https a few years ago slightly improved the quality and security of the Web.

The recipes library has launched with a quite large collection of features, that cover different topics:

Some recipes provide a high level of detail that you can learn and draw inspiration from. The Referrer Policy recipe, explains in detail how to improve the privacy of your customers. The Permissions Policy recipe is a complete assistant for adding the support for Permission Policy on your website and slightly enhancing trust between users and your website:

The Permission Policy assistant included in recipes

Your first steps with recipes

Ready to give recipes a try? Head over to our website or log in to your account now to explore our growing library of recipes and start optimizing your website's performance like never before.

We can't wait to see how you'll use this feature to take your website management to the next level. And remember, this is just the beginning – with recipes, the possibilities are endless!

👉 Discover all the recipes